петък, 22 април 2011 г.

Painting eggs in the Retirment's home

On the Great Thursday women paint the eggs. The first one is always painted in red. The cheeks of the children are rubbed with it for health. It is believed that the red Easter egg has curing powers. One of the eggs has to be left in front of the icon and stays there for the rest of the year. The Easter eggs can be eaten till Spasovden. The painting of the eggs is done by the hostess of the house and until the red paint finishes she has to be alone in the room. Eggs can be also made by writing on them. There are some specific instruments used for this. For instance there is vitriola- a feather from eagle. The feathers are dipped in melted wax and the women write on the eggs before they put them in the paint. The areas covered with wax remain uncolored and this is how the written egg is made.
So we decided to keep the tradition alive and we went on 19th April to the retirement’s home to paint eggs with them. It was fun thing to do. I really liked this activity and we made some really beautiful eggs. The women gave to each of us one egg with a beautiful cup made of them. I was really glad that we kept the tradition of painting eggs alive.  


Open Day

On 22nd March we had as we call it “Open day”. This is a special day when everyone can come to our school and see what we are doing, how we are studying.  We (IB class) were in the library, in the creativity class. We painted eggs with water colors.  There was and professional photographer who took pictures of us and our eggs. It was really fun thing to do and to the end of the day I was covered with paint :D  

Cause for everyone

On 19th March was our charity concert. As I told you in the previous

post it was a competition and of course WE WON! There were

some really good performs from the other schools, but we have a

student who dance AWSOME! After his dance all of the people

stand  and shout as they can. It was really cool . In the end our

teacher went on the stage and said that the money will go to

Japan. It was a little disappointing because the woman knew that if

we win we will give her the money. But one of my classmates and I

think to collect money from our schoolmates and to give her what

we have.

Selling tickets

On 14th March my classmates and I had to sell tickets for our charity concert which will take place on 17th March. It will be a competition between 4 schools. Each school has to pick up a charity idea. We decided that if we win we will give the money to a woman who needs an eye operation. She is a woman from the retirement’s home which we are visiting often. Her story is really sad. She has 2 sons who lost her apartment on hazard game and she had nowhere to live so she went to the retirement’s home. But now she has a problem with her eyes and if she doesn’t make an operation soon she will become blind.

SO I hope that we will win so we can help her.


Finally was 22nd ( the holiday of Veliko Tarnovo). After school my classmates and I went to kind of theme park. We went to the Gondola. I will NEVER go to this again. It was awful , I was SOOOO scared and when it stopped I didn’t have voice to speak ( imagine how much I shouted :D) After that we had to be in front of the municipality to give the color papers. In the same time there was a concert. There were some friends of mine singing. It was really cool. I had really good mood! I was just going around singing and giving the papers. After that we had to go to “Carevec” . We let hundreds of paper lanterns to burn in the sky. It was my first time doing this and I was really excited. I will definitely do it again the next year.


The three musketeers :)

On 10th March I visited the theater play “The three musketeers”. I had to go only with one of my classmates because in the same time my friends were making me a great surprise for my birthday and they used the time when  I’m not at home :D ( I didn’t know this then and I was really pissed of that I had to go on my own :D )

The play was FANTASTIC. I really loved it. The performers were absolutely good and the play was great. I hadn’t been on good play for long time.  I’m looking forward for the next theatre.