сряда, 26 януари 2011 г.

Preparation for the internationa day of smile

We had to make a poster for the International day of smile. We took wood board and painted it in blue and green , after that we cut little smiles from paper and we put them on the board. It became really nice. I hope that everyone will like it, and it would worth all the fighting.

Cas meeting

On 19th January we had CAS meeting and we had to do many things. We started doing our planning page for the second term and we had a lot of argues. I was really nervous all day long and as result I couldn’t finish my planning page and I left it for our next CAS meeting  

Re-decorating the school's hall.

On 09.01.11 in Bulgaria we celebrate the name day of people called Ivan and Iva. There is tradition that if you didn’t take off your Christmas decoration you should do it on this day and that’s what we did. It was such a fun. We were few people but we had really good time.